An overarching, groundbreaking science involving the "study of the spirits' origin, nature and destination, and of the laws governing their communication with the physical world or the world of the incarnated," according to the definition provided by Allan Kardec, the coder of Spiritism. 

A spiritualist philosophy that spurs analysis, culture and research in order to guide human beings on their way to self-knowledge and comprehension of their physical and psychical surroundings.

A rationalist doctrine that advocates freedom of thought and freedom of speech, incites free analysis of all ideas, and runs counter to dogmatism, fanatism, prejudices, blind faith, and any kind of superstitious practices.

An ethical stance on life, based on standalone moral arising from its basic tenets, that encourages intellect education and growing of feelings. Spiritism takes a tolerant posture of respect for all philosophies, religions and individual beliefs in order to stimulate free examination. Its proposal is based on knowledge and insight, beyond any coercive or punishing.


A religion or pseudo-religious sect. Its doctrine makes no room for dogmas of faith, churches, cults, rites, priests or ministers, holy books or infallible masters.

In line with witchcraft, sorcery, voodoo, magic, soothsaying, powwow, sortilege, hand reading, use of tobacco or cards as tools for alleged revelations, or any other multiple superstitions and charlatanism characteristic of ignorance.

A trade. Real Spiritists do not earn their living on Spiritism. Spiritists are ordinary citizens compliant with their civic and moral duties and honoring the values of education and labor. 


Existence of God

The Spiritist doctrine accepts the existence of a universal intelligence, the primary driving force of natural laws, the sublime source of good and evil. The Spiritist idea of God is distinct from the anthropomorphous concept of religions. Rather than whimsical, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, rewarding or punishing, God, according to Spiritism, is the primary energy that has created the universe, the archetype of supreme love.

Preexistence and survival of spirits

All of us have existed before we were born and continue living after death. All living beings are energized by a psychic, indestructible and everlasting principle, responsible for intellectual and emotional functions. Such a principle acquires the attributes of the human spirit going through a vast and intricated evolutionary process.


Individual spirits make use of multiple physical bodies throughout their progressive journey, attaining new evolutionary stages by means of innumerable, successive lives. In this way, past and present are intertwined in a causal relationship, the comprehension of which is of the essence for mankind's refinement and time to come.


It is the ability of human beings -enhanced in the so-called mediums- to link visible and invisible entities, that is, the physical and spiritual worlds. Mediumship is useful to prove experimentally the immortality of souls; to straighten misleading notions about heavens, hell, demons, and eternal punishment; to get in touch with the beloved ones, and to receive priceless information, directions or tips from multiple spiritual sources.

Many inhabited planets in the universe

As a universal continuum, life on planet Earth is not by chance. We are not alone in the universe. Negating the possibility of life on other planets, systems or galaxies would be rough anthropocentrism. Certainly, vast evolutionary processes have resulted into different ways of expression, according to individual conditions and circumstances.


Spiritism is helpful to demonstrate, on the basis of facts and by means of trial, the existence, pre-existence and survival of spirits as specific individuals that keep all their intellectual, moral and volitional powers after the so-called death. Spiritism is good to teach us that we are the leading characters of our own stories, responsible for our acts, and the architects of our own destiny, subject to the law of cause and effect. Spiritism is useful to work on our performance in the individual, family and social fields, in line with a freer, more democratic, fairer, more equitable and more fraternal society. Spirit is good to realize that birth, death, rebirth and progress will be always the fundamental law of existence. Finally, Spiritism is most appropriate to become a better person and a better citizen.


Systematically study the scientific, philosophical, moral and social aspects of Spiritism.

Spread the fundamentals of the Spiritist doctrine by means of conferences, public events, books, magazines, and any other tools of social communication.

Encourage scientific research aimed at demonstrating the existence of spirits, their continuity after death and their multiple expressions, as well as their evolutionary process through reincarnation.

Test out mediumship, magnetism and paranormal phenomenology by reasonable, ethical and scientific standards.

Delve into any scientific and philosophical subject matter, and cultural or artistic expression for better comprehension of the material and spiritual reality and for cultural improvement.

Foster education on Spiritism at every level, for adults, young people and children.

Promote moral and cultural advancement under the lofty principles of the Spiritist doctrine.

Help solve any evidence of obsession or personality disorder of a purely spiritual origin by means of research and analysis and by giving moral support and effective aid.

Advocate pacifist and humanist ideals, freedom of conscience, and free expression of thoughts; disapprove any constraint on human rights.

Maintain fraternal ties of exchange and support with all Spiritist organizations around the world, particularly with the members of the International Spiritist Association (CEPA), with identical purposes.

Boost the creation of Spiritist groups that may adhere to CIMA, the Spiritist Culture Movement, in Venezuela and anywhere else in the world.

Report on any kind of obscurantism, fanatism, charlatanism or superstition.

Recognize the merits and virtues of all thinkers and leaders that have contributed to the expansion and advancement of peoples towards truth and love, without any discrimination of authors, within the amplest freedom of interpretation.

CIMA, the Spiritist Culture Movement, strongly recommends to start the study of the doctrine with the core works of the coder of Spiritism, Maestro Allan Kardec.